
The person I admire

Hello everyone today I am going to tell you about a person I admire a lot, Claudio Naranjo, he is a Chilean psychologist, psychiatrist, writer and musician who studied at Harvard, known for his long career in transpersonal psychotherapy, treatments with hallucinogens and for his long study of the enneagram of personality, his intention was to educate therapists about self-knowledge so they can assist more people, for this I created the SAT programs which are in several countries in America and Europe.  I admire Claudio Naranjo for his conferences and videos where he talks about life in a very realistic way, the consequence of our actions and where the sensations are born, how to understand our own issues, many times I meditated with the help of his videos of guided meditations, which helped me at a time to deal with the fever, I went to see him in a couple of conferences he gave in Chile before his death, in which he showed much interest in education, its structure and especially its a

My favorite photo!

  Hello everyone, this picture is of my dog he name is Clarence, he is 8 years old, he is so funny because when he is sneezing he looks so cute, I took the picture one day of summer in the morning when allergy began and I am allergic too, he stay in the yard and we woke up recently, at that time when we were still in online classes I stay in the backyard with my dog all day because there I work in my arts projects, I really like to take photos of my dog, I have so many pictures of him, it brings me good memories, specially now when I don't live with him because he lives with my dad and my brother and I live in Santiago for my studies, but when we see each other occasionally we stay together for a long time to make up for lost time.  Thanks you for reading my blog!

My Favorite Food

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about my favorite food! the most delicious cake I have ever tasted, is the vegan Corn Cake! It is a tradicional Chilean food, as the name suggests it is made with ground corn, that usually is made with meat but in its vegan version we use soy protein.  While I don't cook it, its my boyfriends who prepare the meals, I had seen him using corn, garlic, black olive, soy meat, a mix of linseed and water, basil and to many species. First he ground corn in the blender, and at the same time prepare a stir-fry with the rest of the ingredients and pour all the ingredients into the baking and then put it into the oven for 30 minutes.  I like it because has a crisp texture also a creamy and soft inside, but I don´t really know if this food is healthy, on internet said it has too much calories but I thinks is for the chicken, in this case we use a vegetal protein so I don´t know.  
  Hi in this blog I want to talk to you about my favorite piece of technology  My favorite piece is my cellphone because with that I can take photographs, communicate with people via social media like Whatsapp or Instagram and do other things in other applications, I use the camera, to take photographs of clouds, landscapes, things that interest me like special moments, to listen to music on Spotify and reminds me to take my pills I recommend using it with responsibility because it can be addictive and unhealthy for your physical and mental health, I use it every day but not all day, I would like to use it for less time and be less dependent but big part of my work is on my cellphone, I think sometimes this affects me in a bad way because it distracts me so much and I lose too much time but I'm working on that. 

My Major

 Hello everyone  In this blog I want to talk to you about why I choose study visual arts, when I was a child I wanted to be surgeon, but over time I began to feel disgusted for blood. At the time of choosing my major, I didn't have other option, well, also I was interested in psychology, but it was just a interest, not something to study at the university, when I was in first grade of high school I started to paint, in that moment I take the decision of studying arts, my parents told me that they don't care about the major I choose, they only care that I will study in a university. At that time my university experience has been varied, the thing that I more like is the community between all the people in the faculty, by other side the infrastructure is so precarious, inclusive dangerous. When I get my degree I would like to do my studies on pedagogy or teaching about the techniques that I had learned in this years and have the opportunity for continue doing my artworks Thank yo


Hello my name is Vanessa Álvarez, I am 25 years old, I was born in Santiago, Chile in 25th of October 1996, I have one brother, I am the most young member of the family, I live in Puente Alto all my life, in the same home, I studied in the San Luis Gonzaga college, then in Alicante del Sol in high school and now I study in University of Chile, actually course 4th grade. My family is peaceful, we pass all the time in different places, I live with my dad and my brother, also my dog Clarence, he is the best <3, my mom lives in other home, with her boyfriend, we both live in Puente Alto, but we don't see each other so often. In the free time, I like to do embroidery, pass relax time and cook something, my hobby is take pictures, but the thing that I most like to do is ride a bike. Thanks you so much for reading this!