
Hello my name is Vanessa Álvarez, I am 25 years old, I was born in Santiago, Chile in 25th of October 1996, I have one brother, I am the most young member of the family, I live in Puente Alto all my life, in the same home, I studied in the San Luis Gonzaga college, then in Alicante del Sol in high school and now I study in University of Chile, actually course 4th grade.

My family is peaceful, we pass all the time in different places, I live with my dad and my brother, also my dog Clarence, he is the best <3, my mom lives in other home, with her boyfriend, we both live in Puente Alto, but we don't see each other so often.

In the free time, I like to do embroidery, pass relax time and cook something, my hobby is take pictures, but the thing that I most like to do is ride a bike.

Thanks you so much for reading this! 


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