
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022
  Hi in this blog I want to talk to you about my favorite piece of technology  My favorite piece is my cellphone because with that I can take photographs, communicate with people via social media like Whatsapp or Instagram and do other things in other applications, I use the camera, to take photographs of clouds, landscapes, things that interest me like special moments, to listen to music on Spotify and reminds me to take my pills I recommend using it with responsibility because it can be addictive and unhealthy for your physical and mental health, I use it every day but not all day, I would like to use it for less time and be less dependent but big part of my work is on my cellphone, I think sometimes this affects me in a bad way because it distracts me so much and I lose too much time but I'm working on that. 

My Major

 Hello everyone  In this blog I want to talk to you about why I choose study visual arts, when I was a child I wanted to be surgeon, but over time I began to feel disgusted for blood. At the time of choosing my major, I didn't have other option, well, also I was interested in psychology, but it was just a interest, not something to study at the university, when I was in first grade of high school I started to paint, in that moment I take the decision of studying arts, my parents told me that they don't care about the major I choose, they only care that I will study in a university. At that time my university experience has been varied, the thing that I more like is the community between all the people in the faculty, by other side the infrastructure is so precarious, inclusive dangerous. When I get my degree I would like to do my studies on pedagogy or teaching about the techniques that I had learned in this years and have the opportunity for continue doing my artworks Thank yo